Monday, March 18, 2013

First Steps and Flashbacks

Okay folks - here it is. The day you have all been waiting for since last week's post. Today dad took his first steps on his new leg - and it was absolutely wonderful. But before I go into all of those details, I want to ask for prayer for a special couple to my boyfriend and I. On Saturday night, Shane and I got a phone call that Shane's best friend was in a four-wheeler accident and was being taken to the hospital. All we knew was that he was pretty banged up and unconscious. So we took off for Gainesville around midnight. When we pulled up to the ER, so many memories began to flood back, and as we walked in and asked the clerk where to go, as soon as I heard, "4th floor", my heart sunk. ICU/Trauma - dad's floor. I immediately began quietly preparing myself for going back to that place, and I then knew that his injuries were very serious. When we got to the floor, I was able to talk to his parents whom I have known for years, as well as his fiance. I tried to comfort them in knowing that they weren't alone, and I hope they felt that. As I sat in the waiting room quietly observing to myself, I began remembering so many things from those 11 days that dad was in ICU. I can remember every time I heard a door open, or footsteps coming down the hall, or seeing a nurse or doctor, just waiting for some kind of news. After a couple of hours, the doctor came out and informed the family that he was paralyzed. I was in total shock, and my heart broke for his family. As I watched them cry and pray, it was like deja vu. I can remember how there were no words that anyone could say that would ease my pain, and I knew there was no way to ease theirs. All I could do was pray, and that is what I am asking of each of you who read this blog. He is so young, such a funny guy who loves his fiance and his family, and when he does wake up he will face something that no one should ever have to face. Alan needs your prayers, and so does his family and fiance. I'm not going to go into all of the other details, but I just wanted you all to know who and what to pray for. God knows the details and the situation, and I am asking you to all please pray with me.

Alllllll of that is to say that today was a very bittersweet day. Knowing Alan was in the hospital, and then going to watch my dad take his first steps. It was an emotional roller coaster to say the least, but there was so much joy in my heart that this day had finally come. After four months of hospitals, rehab, therapy, wounds, pills, and stretches, our prayers and dreams became a reality. It was so amazing to watch the process of them forming his leg. A friend of ours that goes to church with us came today to video and take pictures. Mr. Victor is very talented, so we were all excited that he could be there to capture these precious moments! Finally, after we sat and waited for an hour and a half for them to put everything together, they walked in with dad's leg. Even though it was metal and plastic, it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Before we knew it, Paul (dad's CPO) had him up and starting to take his first steps! It was so amazing to watch each step and to know how hard so many people prayed for this. As I sat next to my sister, I couldn't help but smile as we watched our dad stand at eye level on his own. What was awesome was that Paul let him take the leg home for practice! We still have a long road to go for him to learn everything he will need, but this was a HUGE step in the right direction. My family and I are so thankful for this day. Never take those that you love for granted - we are not guaranteed tomorrow. Sorry this was such a short post, but I have to go study for my Microbiology test tomorrow, and I knew y'all were waiting! Here are some pictures and video from today. :)

 Blessings ~


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