Friday, April 19, 2013

Thank You.

I am so very sorry for not having a new post for the past few weeks! Life has been so CrAzY busy lately that I barely have time to eat or sleep. April has been a busy month so far, for dad and I both. Dad started back to work part-time, and he seems really happy to be back in the groove of things. His prosthesis is moving along nicely, he has been trying out several different "knees" to see which best suit him and his needs. It is a very painful process for him though. His stump is very short - pretty much just enough to even have a prosthetic leg. So it sits right on his pelvis and his butt, so it is definitely taking him some getting used to. As time goes on, his stump will shrink and become less sensitive, so with time it will get easier. Right now he has been using his crutches, and he's fast!! His balance is really good and he has gotten to where he can almost do everything on his own. It makes me so proud to see how hard he is working and how positive he has remained throughout this whole process.

April is also my birthday month - whoooooop! The big 2-2. I have been reflecting on the past year of my life, and my my my what a crazy year. I took a semester off from school and finally decided what I wanted to do for my career, I traveled to Italy and London and I saw and experienced things that people only dream of. I went on an 8 day cruise with one of my best friends, I had the privilege of being a bridesmaid in two sweet friend's weddings. I went on a date with this guy I knew from high school, and he ended up being the love of my life and one of the reasons that I made it through these past few months with my sanity. I started back to school with a new outlook and determination, and then BAM! Dad's accident. It is so true that your life can truly change in an instant. I quickly realized that life does not discriminate when it decides to drop a bomb on someone. 21 has held some of my best and worst memories and days. I cannot believe how quickly it has flown by. As I approach 22, I can only hope and pray that God will continue to keep his hand on my family and our lives and we continue on our journey....

Which brings me to my next point - each of you. I'm pretty sure than 99% of you don't know this, and my dad doesn't even know this, but from the night of dad's accident and beyond, I have been keeping a book of names. Names of people who text me, who called me, who came to the hospital for the first week that dad was in the hospital, who brought us food, who gave us money for gas and bills, who wrote me on facebook, who responded to the scene of the accident, and many more. There is NO possible way I could track down each person individually, because there are many who I don't even know personally. So I'm sure there are some names that I will miss, but despite how long this blog will be, I wanted to list each of your names on this blog post and say THANK YOU from the bottom of mine, my sister's, and my family's hearts. It may not be much, but there is not a day that goes by that I do not think of the many people that surrounded us and prayed for us through our darkest days. Even if it was just a text or a facebook post, or a silent prayer - we felt each of them and can never say thank you enough.

So, let's get this started! First, I want to thank the people who saved my dad and Michelle's lives - Rhonda and Jeff. If it had not been for God placing them on that road at that time, there's no telling how long it would have been before someone drove by, and my dad and Michelle would have most likely died. Looking at the "medical" facts, they should have died. But Rhonda and Jeff sat their own fears and problems aside to take care of them, and that is something that I will never be able to say thank you enough for. Some may not know, but minutes after dad's accident, Rhonda and Jeff pulled up to the scene of the accident. At first, they just saw the car that hit the motorcycle, and didn't even know that there were others involved until a few seconds later Rhonda heard people crying out, "Help! Helps us please!" Those cries lead Rhonda and Jeff to find my dad and Michelle and call 911. They tried to remove my dad's belt to use as a tourniquet, but due to his pelvis being broken, they couldn't even unbuckle it without dad crying out in pain. Then they remembered they had a bungy cord in their van, and they wrapped it around his leg until help arrived. They listened to my dad and called the people he told them to call and remained calm. A day or so after the accident, Rhonda found me through facebook and shared with me the story of her finding my dad. A couple of weeks later they came to the hospital and we finally got to meet face to face. As soon as my dad's eyes met theirs, they both began to cry and embrace each other, as if they were life long friends. It is a moment I will never forget. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of them and their bravery. They are our angels, sent by God to save dad and Michelle, and my heart will always hold a special place for them. Thank you Rhonda and Jeff, you are the reason why my dad is still here with us.

Next, I would like to thank the man and woman who stopped and helped Rhonda and Jeff. To this day, we have not been able to track them down. We have asked everyone we can think of who was there that night, and no one remembers them or who they were. Perhaps they were angels sent to help Rhonda and Jeff. I suppose we will never know, but I am hoping that maybe this blog will reach them and they will see this and know that we are thankful for them and their help in saving my dad and Michelle's lives.

Thank you to the men and women who responded to the 911 call that night and came to the accident. I have tried to compile a list of the names and departments that responded, so I hope this is everyone. If I don't list your name or your department, PLEASE message me and let me know so I can post it.

Bradford County EMS- 
Dylan Rodgers
Jim Marburger
Alan Hunsinger
Stuart Brandrick
Cody Johnson
Heilbronn Springs FD- 
Terry McCarthy
Tommy LaFollette
Paul Rodgers
Ernie Williams
Dylan Gault
Steven Goodman
Brandon McCarthy
Mike McKenzie
New River FD-
Dean Bennett
James Balcolm
Andrew Eaves
Union County EMS-
Joel Haas
Mike Pitmann
911 Dispatcher-
Frankie Krol
I understand that this may be an every day thing for each of you, just doing your job. But to my family and I, you each are extraordinary and so brave. The combined efforts of each of you played such a big role that night. The doctors and nurses bragged constantly on how well you took care of dad and Michelle and transported them. They said they knew you took your jobs seriously and truly cared about their lives - which means more than you know. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope I can one day shake each of your hands and hug your necks for being ready and willing to do whatever it takes.

I also want to thank the deputies who escorted the ambulances to Gainesville. Each one who blocked intersections and helped get my dad and Michelle to the hospital as quick as they could. Although I don't know all of your names, I hope you each know how much that means to us. I also hope I can one day shake your hands and hug your necks.
Next I want to thank the people who came to the hospital the first week or so after the accident, and including the night of. The people who came and sat with us in the waiting room, cried with us, and prayed with us. And also for bringing us a lot of krispy kreme dougnuts. :) Please keep in mind that after the first week or so, I couldn't keep up with names and I started back to school so I wasn't there all day, so there may be some names that I miss - PLEASE let me know if I miss your name so I can say thank you!!
First off, my family - Mom, Grandma, Uncle Pooh, Aunt Hollie, Zachary, Uncle Daniel, Aunt Michele, Sommer, Alana, Aunt Joy, Uncle Mike, Gini, Dave, Amber, Sophia, Uncle Doug, Aunt Kathy, Uncle Jimmy, Aunt Cindy, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Donna, Casey & Jason (and girls), Heather (and kids), Clint, Shannon, Shane, John Khune, Dylan Khune, Aunt Christy, Courtney Martin, Trace, Kaylyn Beck, McKenzie Beck, Wendy Barnes, Taylor Barnes, John & Missy Strickland, Uncle Marshall, Aunt Carolyn, Linda, Jennifer McKenzie, Carson, Jessica & Justin Mccelhenny, Hailey & Alley Mccelhenny, Mamaw and Papaw, Doyle and Brenda Thomas, Danny & Kristen Davis (and Ryan).
Our friends - Charles Warren, Kasey Warren, Clint Williams, Kim Warren, Logan Johnson, Laci Smith, Debbie Smith, Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, Joy Johnson, Becki Zelnar, Ron Denmark, JoAnn Denmark, Perry Nicula, Gayle Nicula, Evan Denmark, Rick Norman, Denise Norman, Matt Stafford, Charity Pittman, Randy Pittman, Joy Stafford, Maggie, Fred & Marlene Stafford, Rick Ward, Cindy Ward, Jay Eaves, Vicki Eaves, Doug Ashley, Sherry Ashley, Ryan & Brittany Rhoden, Carolynn Cragg, Lisa Prevatt, Jenna Rowland, Bryson, Samantha Balkcom, Leslie Balkcom, Charnelle Whittemore, Mike Whittemore, Carrie Crews, Stephanie Human, Sam Griffis, Dale Prevatt, Tim Huggins, Alan Kerr, Sandy Darden, Wyvonna, April Mitola, Don & April Kelly, Justin Kirksey, Melissa Kirksey, Hannah Bolton, Matt Dyal, Ray Bowen, Ken Mullikin, Amy Mullikin, Danny Parmenter, Debbie Parmenter, Margret Sirmons, Loren and Debbie Boone, The men of the 3/20th Special Forces (Dad's old unit), Tracy & Suzanne McCree, Terry & Lamar Anderson, Barry Bolton, Laura Nicula, Meaghan Parmenter, John Culliman, Regina & Kristapher James, Linda Wilson, Betty Cassel, Lara Gabriel, , Maxie Norton, Tricia Clark, Karen Clark, John Clark, Richard & Debbie Sapp, Dad's boss/coworkers (sorry, I never got all of your names!).

Thank you to Mr. Rick Ward and Alan Kerr for arranging a hotel room for us for the first week after dad's accident. It was so nice to be right by the hospital in case anything happened. Thank you for being so thoughtful and for doing that for our family!
Next Up... Facebook. Like I said earlier, these are the names of people who posted on my wall and who messaged me. There is no way I can see every single person who made a status about my dad (unless they tagged me in it) or who wrote to him, my mom, my sister, etc... So please know that I appreciate EACH of your posts, even if I don't know each of your names. Heeeere we go....
Thank you - to those who posted a status update: April Mitola, Stephanie Griffis, Maria Herbert, Megan Sweat, Jenna Rowland, Sheila Stockdale, Lynitra Jeffers, Jenna Hewett, Terrisa Griffis, Heather Bowen, Mamaw, Gwen Crawford, Savannah Chastain, Karen Jackson, Karen Crook, Nicole Knight, Pat Lawson, Megan Seals, Abbie Clark, Katie Willingham, Marrissa Greenwell, Stephanie Swanz, Aunt Hollie, Brittany Rhoden, Charnelle Whittemore Realty, Veronica Harris, Amber Hersey, Gini Solano, Heather Jackson, Wade Williams, Liz Davis, Kristie Luther, Carol Plant, Kristen Davis, Debbie Smith, Samantha Balkcom, Linda Lee, Ken & Gayle Weaver.
Thank you - to those who private messaged me: Rebecca Bennett, Meghan Woods, Brittany Rhoden, Joel Haas, Terissa Griffis, Shelly Bowen, Don Kelly, Debbie Smith, April Lee, Nathan Thornton, Samantha Reek, Mandi Lamonda, Brenda Jones, Kaitlin Williams, Stacey Hendrix, Jane Greene, Lori Mann, Erin Smith, Jean Hardee, Carol Plant, Curtis Crawford, Jaren Sapp, Janet Harrell-Hilley, Jamie Darden, Robin Peeples, Heather Clouser, Heather Loucks Phillips, Tammy Boone, Allison Hayes Lunn, Shannon Ellington, Emily Riggs, Stefanie Wiggins, DaNita Dowdy, DJ Riddick, Matt Stucky, Lisa Brannon, Hannah Tucker, Krista Ryan Smith, Hillary Crews, Lisa Tatum, Freddie Stephens Jr., Kaci Tetstone, Casey Hays, Tangela Pittman, Matt Steffen, Heather Green, Kellie Converse, Shelby Ezell, Marjorie Morton, Tommy Hilliard, Heather Padgett, Kimberly Brooks, Chelsea Nugent, Loretta Carter, Connie Mitchell, Leslie Johns McGee, Julia Rippinger, Harry Hatcher, Garhett Wilson, Kristian Thurman, Shannon Whitaker, Berenice Romo Galindo, Beth Rutherford, Stephanie Swanz, Linda Peterson McAlister, Randy Dukes, Lisa Hicks, Sherry Ashley, Terri Johnson, Darlene Lee, Monica Kadlec, Karen Jackson, Cheryl King, Michelle Elliott, John Cooper, Laura Alligood, Kay Waters, Kim Wimpy, Kenneth Dewitt, Renae Sapp, Sissy Lee, Brenda Thornton, Michael Young, Morgan Casey, Karin Coolidge, Ken & Gayle Weaver, Liz Davis, Courtney Everson, Allen Davis, Ken Mullikin, Linda Bennett, Debbie & Loren Boone, Karen Crook, Teresa Faulkner, Diane Ennis, Sharon Norman, Jennifer Darley Brinkley, Francesca Leigh.
Thank you - to those who posted on my wall: Shelby Wring, Rebecca Wise, Stephanie Griffis, Dana Bell, Darah Saucer, Dana Napier, Corina Campbell, Malinda Pellechio, Maria Herbert, Kristie Luther, Karen Jackson, Robin Campbell, Melissa Kirksey, Matt Mullikin, Gwen Crawford, Debra Gay, Sara Shoup, Kaitlin Williams, Brittany Rhoden, Bethany Stockdale, Teddy Harkin, Sheila Stockdale, Shana Douglas, Courtnie Meier, Lisa Dampier, Erica Darden, Donna Tew, Janna Rae Reddish, Leslie Balkcom, Christina Shuford, Samantha Balkcom, Linda Garmon, Janice Lawson, Casey Crawford, Morgan Contois, Haley Norman, Sharon Norman, Brandyn Barksdale, Tricia Clark, Sweetpeas Shop, Kathy Minton, Keith Davis, Lorna Reddish, Wade Williams, Pam Lamb, Morgan Casey, Carol Starr, Terri Darden, Angie Bennett, Sandy Darden, Hannah Trainor, Dodie Sapp, Jessica Outlaw, Megan Seals, Kacie Darden, April Kelly, Kelley Worley, Jennifer Stucky, Monica Robinson, Sunoco Starke, Jared Chapman, Jami Stokes, Lori Davis, Emilie Jackson, Kayla Holsenbeck, Kena Little, Francesca Leigh, Rich Bennett, Mary Torode, Michelle Reid, Aaron Brannon, Kaity Prevatt, Stephanie Jones, Amanda Reed, Pat Lawson, Danny Davis, Kristen Davis, Don Kelly, Nicole Knight, Sarah Gay, Janelle Harris, Kassie Wiseman, Jamie Darden, Erica Reddish, Debbie Sapp, Jenna Hewett, Mabry Burch, Rose Sansing, Suzanne McCree, Linda Cubbedge, Abbie Clark, Carol Plant, Haley Anders, Glenda Bass, Katie Willingham, Kirk Ayers, Brittany Crawford, Melissa Arnold, Alena Sinor, Kristie Luther, Marissa Greenwell, Rhonda Williams, Kristen Coffey, Karen Jackson, Stephanie Swanz, Cindy Hilliard, Liz Davis, Candace Donley, Ashley Johnson, Brittany Rhoden, Heather Brice, Melissa Mains, Teresa Faulkner, Haley Norman, Shelly Bowen, Lilly Chappell, Courtney Cragg, Janelle Reese, Josh Prevatt, Debbie Williams, Kaala Bolton, Gloria Bragg, Bailee Peeples, Tracy Toms, Linda Wilson, Mamaw, Tiffiny Starling, Anne Conner, Angie Bennett, Terri Crawford Williams, Deaon Triebel, Michelle Duncan, Stephanie Clark Merrill, Laci Smith, Charnelle Whittemore, Sherry Stroble-Thomas, Carolynn Cragg, Beth Boone, Cathy Powell.

While dad was in the hospital and rehab we were flooded with cards from all over. From people who didn't even know us! It was insane. I tried to save every card and get every name of the people who sent us cards, but some got lost and there were some that I couldn't make out the name on them. For some, I only have a first name, since that was all that was listed. Either way - THANK YOU to each of you that sent us a card! Dad's wall was covered with cards, and that meant so much to him. He made me open and read every single card that came. My cousins (dad's nieces and nephew) made posters to hang up in the room, and they always made him smile :) so thank you Sommer, Alana, and Zachary. So here are the names of those who send us cards...
Cynthia Berry, Fred and Marlene Stafford, Robin Gay, Janice Cainel, Daren, Tracy, Caleb & Mikayla Mason, Aiosa Orthodontics, Kathy Medlock, Faye Hill, Stuart Branch - Sid, Keith, Jenny, Guy, Janet, Tom O'neal, Wendell Clark, Dago & Julie, Joanne and Wayne Douglas, Deanna Coleman and family, Jim and Jane Williams, Nicole Knight, Kristen Hatcher, Jenna Hewett, Jaime Lyn Register, Fred and Jackie Johm, Rick & Carolyn Cragg, Courtney Cragg, Candace Osteen, Marc and Harriette Jackson, John and Teresa Khune (Dylan and Annabelle), Aunt Mary, Jane and Jennifer, Ryan and Brittany Rhoden (and KJ), Brenda Harkin (Teddy and Matt), Jean Norman, Lynn, Mary Stephen, Pam Cangelosi, Linda Collins, Dianne Moody, Sharon Stucky, Gale Tyler, Jackie Johnson, Valaria Shuford, Marilyn Brooks, Pat, Ellen Harrington, Louise Lichtenburger, Mark & Tami Davis, Shane Parmenter, Brenda Thornton, Donnie Thornton, Jessica Thornton, Nathan Thornton, Nick Thornton, Butch and Carol Gross, Deaon and Jamie Triebel, Edward and Jamie Sullivan, Frank and Connie Mitchell, Catherine and Jerry Becker, Danny and Kristen Davis (and Ryan), Donny & Kim Brooks, Wilbur and Kay, Jerry and Pat, Wailon and Lisa, Roman, Jodie, Stella, Jackson, and Vera Izzo, Miss Minnie, Jeff and Rhonda Williams (and Hunter), Tommy and Lynn Miller, Aaron and Denise Matthews (Alexis and Dakota), Chad and Jennifer Farnsworth, Lori Mann, Diana and Wally Crowe, Dad's office: Dalton, Dustin, Ember, Brandon, Ron, John, Mark, Lana, Russell, Amber, John, Ray, Dianne, and Carmella.

For a month and a half, my family and I drove to Gainesville every day. So, needless to say, we spent a lot of money on gas and food. We also had to figure out how we were going to pay dad's bills while he was out of work. I would like to thank everyone who gave us money or gas cards to help us out with these costs and bills. I really can't thank y'all enough for this - it made a huge difference! Once again... There is no way I could get every person's name, since there were times I couldn't be at the hospital, and some gave money to my family members. But please know we are thankful for each person!!
Brenda, Teddy, and Matt Harkin, John and Teresa Khune, Richard and Debbie Sapp, Aaron and Denise Matthews, Minnie Redding, Doyle and Brenda Thomas, Uncle Jimmy and Aunt Cindy, Mr. Tatum, Rick and Carolyn Cragg, Chad and Jennifer Farnsworth, Ron and JoAnn Denmark, Vicki and Jay Eaves, Perry and Gayle Nicula, Ryan and Brittany Rhoden, Darlene Slattery, Deanna Coleman, Loren and Debbie Boone.

The night of the accident and for about the next week, my phone was blown up. No joke! I got so many texts and phone calls it was insane. But I have saved every text from people and they always encourage me. So, thank you to those who took time to shoot me a quick text or phone call of comfort!
Kaitlin Williams, Johnny Elasik, Brenda Jones, Wale Olaogun, Alyssa Van Den Berg, Madison Strickland, Samantha Clark, Jeff Stockdale, Taylor King, Brandy Caudill, Teddy Harkin, Cody Johnson, Logan Johnson, Tricia Clark, Nathan Thornton, Matt Dyal, Kim Warren, Alan Kerr, Veronica Harris, B.C. Crews, Rhonda Dalton, Kim Cogdill, April Mitola, Lara Gabriel, Megan Sweat, Kyle Dick, Julie Johnson, Danny and Debbie Parmenter, Joy Johnson, Olivia Masters, Stephanie Griffis, Abbie Clark, Kasey Warren, Courtney Cragg, Jacob Toms, Sara Fox, Jamie Ward, Barrett Cooper, Marissa Greenwell, Tracy Greenwell, John Spellman, Kaitlyn Luke, Keiara Sullivan, Ashley Bloomer, Jonathan Coram,Chris Williams, Autumn Cavey, Hannah Reid, Kaitlyn Fitzgerald, Gayle Nicula, Ashleigh Davis, Brittany Rhoden, Alexis Hickox, Doug Massey, Becki Zelnar, Samantha Balkcom, Tabitha Story, Stephanie Human, Charnelle Whittemore, Carrie Crews, Laci Smith, Ryan Story, Jenna Hewett, Jenna Rowland, Meaghan Parmenter, Terry Beck, Courtney Martin, Christy Beck, Kaylyn Beck, Wendy Barnes.

Now I just want to thank people for random things. Not really any "groups" of people. Just different things that people have done for us!

Thank you Mrs. Tricia Clark, Karen Clark, John Clark, and Laci Smith for bring us dinner to the hospital. It was DELICIOUS and it was so nice to eat real food and not food out of the vending machines. :) I love y'all and my family does too!

Thank you to Mrs. Valaria, Mrs. JoAnne, and the other ladies who brought us an amazing home cooked meal when dad got home from rehab. We enjoyed it so much and it was so nice not having to worry about dinner for one night while we adjusted to our new normal. :)

Thank you to Lisa Prevatt and Jenna Rowland for bringing us homemade lasagna! My dad and Shane have talked about that stuff ever since! It was delicious and we are so thankful for y'all taking time out of your day to do that for us. You guys are our family ~ Love y'all:)

Thank you to FBC Starke for the beautiful prayer quilt you made for my dad. I hadn't seen my dad cry since he woke up, until Mrs. Ann Davis walked in with that quilt. He was so overwhelmed with the love and support - it meant a lot to us. Along with the quilt was a letter that they had prayed for dad in their service with many people's signatures. And thank you for the community outreach and collection that you took up from our community. Thank you for showing your love for us in our darkest hour ~

Thank you to the First United Methodist Church in Starke for the gorgeous prayer shawl. On the card you sent us, it says, "May you be cradled in hope, kept in joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love." And we certainly felt that from your prayers! Thank you!

Thank you to my boss, Charnelle Whittemore, for being so understanding throughout this process. For never hesitating when I needed off to go to the hospital or rehab with dad, for always showing me that you are more than my boss, you are my friend. And my coworkers! Carrie, Stephanie, Cathy, Keith, Debbie, Curtis, all have supported me and loved on me so much. What we have at our office is rare, and I am blessed to work with each of you.

Thank you to my girls ~ Courtney Cragg, Samantha Balkcom, Kasey Warren, and Abbie Clark ~ for getting my mind off of things and for making me laugh. We may not see each other as much as we would like, but at the end of the day I know I have you each to count on. Love you guys!

Thank you to Doyle and Brenda Thomas ~ our family and now our neighbors. Thank you for being such a blessing to us and for offering the house to dad. It has helped so much to have that ramp and shower. We love you guys so much!

A huge thank you to Loren and Debbie Boone - you guys have always been such good friends with our family, and for you to just step in like you did, means more than I can say. Loren and Debbie paid for my dad's electric bill while he was in the hospital - a huge weight off of our shoulders! Please know that we love y'all are are so thankful for you.

And now... let's see if I can get through this without crying (good thing y'all can't see my face!). I'm going to keep this short so I don't! Some thank yous for my loved ones ~

Thank you Shane, for sticking with me through all of my bad moods and crappy days - I couldn't have done it without you. I love you, sweetheart. 

Thank you to my wonderful mom - for being mine and Makayla's rock throughout all of this. A mother's love is like no other, and I am so thankful to have you as my mom. 

Thank you to my little sister - for being so strong. You were tougher than me! I'm so proud of you for how you have handled all of this and for making me laugh when I needed it. I think I'll keep you around. :)

Thank you to my Grandma, Mamaw, Papaw, Uncle Pooh, Aunt Hollie, Zachary, Uncle Daniel, Aunt Michelle, Alana, Sommer, Aunt Joy, Uncle Mike, Gini, Amber, and Seth ~ for just being amazing. our family has always been so strong, but now I feel like we are tied together with even stronger bonds. They way you each just stepped up to help in anyway you could has meant so much. Uncle Pooh, Uncle D, and Aunt Joy - siblings like you 4 are rare, and it is amazing to watch the love that is between you all and dad. Thank you for helping me with papers, bills, moving, and so much more. I really don't think there is a way I could every really say thank you enough, so please know that I love you all so dearly, and I am so blessed to call all of you my family. 

Once again, I'm pretty sure I have missed some people and some names, but please don't take it personally! There were a lot of names to keep up with! My family and I are so thankful for each of you who have helped us throughout this journey so far. And we are thankful for those who do not even know us, those who have prayed all over the country for us. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Blessings ~


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