Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Seasons Change and Life Goes On.

Two years. Two. Whole. Years.

Has it really been two years since I blogged?! Wow. To say our lives have been busy would be an understatement!

Just in case anyone hasn't already told you... Happy Fall, Y'all! Even though we are still reaching the 80's here in Florida, the fall season is in full swing at my house! My pumpkin spice candles are out, my planner is filled with fall festivals and parties, and my Pinterest boards are filling up with crafts for the holiday seasons. Fall and winter have always been my favorite time of year. If you know me at all, you know I am obsessed with Christmas time, which is why my husband has to restrain me from putting our Christmas decorations up in August. Fall is like the appetizer before the meal. When fall comes, I know what comes after!

I am sure many of you can relate to this - you're walking through a store, down the sidewalk, or through your home, and you smell a certain scent or hear a certain song, and all of a sudden a hundred memories flood your mind...all because of that smell, song, picture, or whatever it may be. Even though fall brings so much happiness to me, so much promise of change - in the trees and in each other - it also brings me many memories, and not so many good ones....

In October of 2012 life was beautiful. I had a sweet boyfriend (who is now my husband) that I was falling more in love with every day, my pumpkin spice candles were burning daily, my days were filled with carving pumpkins and spending time with my family. Just a few weeks before dad's accident we had a big cookout at my dad's house. We had a bonfire, four wheelers, s'mores, and all of the things that make this time of year so enjoyable. Never knowing what life had waiting for us just a few weeks later. So now, every year when I buy my pumpkin spice candles in bulk, that smell automatically takes my back to the days before our world was turned upside down. And then the days that followed...my heart still sinks when I think of them. 

Four years ago, my favorite time of year...my favorite seasons...were filled with days of sorrow and pain, as well as days of victory and happiness. Along with the changing of the seasons came a time of huge changes in our lives. And even though this time of year holds those awful memories, it also promises the chance to make new ones!

My heart, my mind, my spirit, and my body has been through so much in the past 4-6 years of my life. When I look back at what I have been through, I am constantly reminded of God's grace and faithfulness to me. God's word promises that He will never give us more than we can handle and will never leave us - I truly believe that. I can testify to that time and time again. He has given me strength to make it through every time. BUT - I also believe that we weak human beings have to realize where our strength comes from. God will always give us strength, but He will always want you to come to Him for it, because then you will see that even in the valley, and even on the mountain tops He is good and faithful.

As you may have noticed, my blog has changed a little bit. I changed the title and layout, as well as updated a few things. Of course I will still blog about dad and any major life updates, but initially this blog served as a way to update hundreds of people who wanted to know about dad's progress. I am so thankful for each person who has taken the time to read my blogs, which I always feel like I'm just rambling in. As the seasons have changed, our lives have moved on. Praise the Lord, our lives have returned to "normal," so-to-speak. I changed the title of my blog to "Strength for Today; Hope for Tomorrow." Some of you may recognize that phrase from one of my favorite hymns, "Great is Thy Faithfulness." Throughout the ups and downs of my life, the one constant has always been the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. His promises have given me strength on the days when I couldn't get out of bed. His faithfulness has given me bright hope for my tomorrows when I felt there was no way out. This blog will now serve the purpose of documenting my journey through this thing called life as a wife, daughter, sister, friend, and more importantly, as a believer.

So, I will continue to blog. Not only because I have had several people ask me to, but because it really is like therapy for me to write - even if no one reads them. ;)

Of course, I couldn't write a post for the first time in two years without giving an update on my family. Shane and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary in July (wow, how time flies!). We bought our first home about a year and a half ago, and added a new fur-baby to the mix. We still have our adorable beagle, Jake, but we now have a crazy cat named Lucky (Lucky is a whole other blog post...). Dad has been doing AMAZING with his prosthetic. He's on the go more than I am, and I have two good legs! He is working for a construction company out of Jacksonville, and now that it's hunting season he spends most of his weekends in Georgia. Makayla graduated high school in July, and is currently working and figuring out where she wants to go in life. In about a week and a half my dad and I, along with Shane, Makayla, and my Grandma, will be heading north to Tennessee for vacation. This will be the first big trip we have taken as a family since Dad's accident. I am beyond excited!

This Friday, November 4th, will be four years since dad's accident. Each year since his accident, we have gone out to dinner to celebrate another year of life. Dad will be heading to Georgia Friday, so it looks like we will do our traditional dinner on Thursday night. Even though four years have passed, I can still remember the smell of the hospital, feel the stiffness of the couch I slept on many nights in his room, and remember the dark circles under my puffy eyes. Like I said above, as the seasons have changed, our lives have moved on, but November 4th will always be a day that changed our lives forever, and that is something that you never forget. Thank you to all of you who have walked this journey with us! Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to us, and for his strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow!


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