Monday, November 4, 2013

525,600 Minutes... How do you measure a year?

I used to absolutely hate that song! When I was a majorette, several teams would do routines to that song, and it always got stuck in my head. But as I sit here and try to think of a title for this post, it was all I could of. Here we are... a year later! 525,600 do you measure a year?

I can remember standing by my dad's bed around 3AM Monday morning. It was the first time we were able to see him. The doctor's had told us that his body couldn't handle surgery yet, so we had to go up to ICU to see him. Me, my sister, Grandma, and my dad's siblings were the first to go back. As I stood there looking at my dad's broken body hooked up to machines and wires, I closed my eyes and just for one second wanted to fast-forward one year. I just wanted to know how it all would play out...would he and Michelle live? Would they ever walk again? And here we sit a year later... wow. We did it. We have lived it! Dad has fought so hard and he has come so far. It is so surreal to know how different today could have been for us. Today could have been a day of grief and sorrow. If dad would have died on November 4th, 2012, today we might have visited his grave, looked at old pictures, or stayed in bed all day. However, today we wake up and I am able to call my dad. Tonight we are going to dinner at his favorite - Cracker Barrel - to enjoy the fall decorations and time with each other. Today is a day of rejoicing!!! We have been given another day, another year with him, and even though it has been a year full of trials and tears, it has also been a year filled with victories and memories we will never forget!

I say this to you all from the bottom of my heart, as well as my dad's and my entire family... thank you. Thank you for your prayers, your hugs, your cards, your food, your donations, your kind words, and your willingness to walk with us down this road. We will never forget the things each of you have done for us. When I began writing updates on my facebook about my dad, I had no idea it would lead to a blog with nearly 4,000 views and meeting people we probably would have never met otherwise.

This year would not have been possible if it had not been for God's faithfulness and healing power over my dad and Michelle. People question whether or not God exists, and my dad is living proof of his miracles. Even the doctors have been amazed at his recovery. There is no other explanation other than that God was not finished with him yet. What satan meant to destroy, God used for HIS good!

This year also would not have been possible if it had not been for the two people (Jeff and Rhonda) who stopped that night and saved my dad and Michelle's life, the paramedics and emergency first responders who took such good care of my dad and got him to the hospital safely and swiftly, Dr. Sadasivan who fought so hard to save him and catered to our every question with kindness and gentleness, the nurses (Sadaf, Renee, Becki, etc.) in the ICU who made sure me and my family were taken care of and were aware of everything that went on, the therapists at Shands Rehab who pushed my dad and worked so hard to get him home before Christmas... The list goes on and on. All of these people played a crucial role in our lives and my dad's journey - THANK YOU.

And of course, this year would not have been possible if it had not been for my family. My wonderful, loving, supportive family. Mom, Makayla, Grandma, Aunt Joy, Uncle Mike, Uncle Daniel, Aunt Michele, Uncle Pooh, Aunt Hollie, Gini, and Amber... dad couldn't have made it without you. I could not have made it without you. My family stepped up to the plate and handled finances, paperwork, moving, and so much more so my sister and I could focus on dad and taking care of him. You each will never know how much I appreciate all you have done.

This year has held many of our darkest memories, and many of our greatest days. Call me morbid, but I like to go back and read mine and others facebook posts from last November. It reminds me of all that God has done in our lives. All of the prayers that went up, the obstacles that were overcome, and the love that was poured out on our family. I have learned not to measure my years by the achievements I make or by the amount of money or success I earn. I don't measure my years by what I can gain. I now measure my years by the laughter and memories I have made with those I love, and I measure them with celebration and thankfulness for all that God has blessed us with.

Okay... enough of the mushy-gushy stuff. ;)

As many of you read on my facebook, we have something exciting to share today!! Over the past several weeks we have a friend who has worked on creating a video for my dad to use to share his testimony. He showed it for the first time this weekend at a men's conference he spoke at, but we had seen it just a week or so before then. It is amazing! I get chills every time I watch it. We are all so excited for you all to see it today. Please feel free to share it and pass it on! Our prayer is that it will encourage and bless each person who sees it, even if their situation is different. The message is the same - we are never alone. The video is posted below along with a link if you aren't able to see it on here. :)

I just wanted to end this post by saying thank you to my dad. Thank you for teaching me, Makayla, and many others what it means to truly have faith and persevere. You have amazed us with your determination and will to live your life and take take hold of the gift you were given. There is no one else I would rather have as my dad and walk me down the aisle next year. You truly are my hero!

Once again, thank you all for following along with us on this journey. It has only just begun. :)

Blessings ~

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