Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is This Real Life?!

Holy cow. This is really happening! I, Shelby Carlton, created a blog. I've never been one to blog, simply because I never have the time to, and I usually forget I even have one. But ever since dad's accident, I have rediscovered my love for writing. Even though I'm working two jobs, going to school full time, taking care of my dad, spending time with my boyfriend - and not to mention the time needed for eating and sleeping - I'm hoping I can find the time to sit down and put all of my thoughts onto paper, or, er...screen? I love when I'm reading someone's thoughts and feelings and then suddenly I'm lost inside another world. I'm seeing things through their eyes, and I am feeling and breathing their life and their emotions. It is something that I have always loved, and I am hoping that through this blog, I can do that to someone. Even if it is one person.

For those of you who are reading this and don't know me - hi! I already mentioned my name above, but I am 21 years old and I live in the small town of Starke, Florida. Most of you reading this already know me, or at least know of me. Maybe this blog will help you get to know me a little bit better. I am the daughter of Barry and Cindy Carlton, and I have a younger sister, Makayla. I am currently attending Santa Fe College to be a Dental Hygienist, and I am currently dating this really cute guy. ;) I love Jesus Christ, and try my best to show that to others. I am slightly obsessed with my cat, music, sweet tea, Words With Friends, and laughter. Just a little bit about me!

So for my first post, I thought it would probably be appropriate to state why I am writing this blog. As you can see, my title is, "A Girl, Her Dad, and a Motorcycle: A Journey of Hope." On November 4, 2012 my dad and his girlfriend were involved in a motorcycle accident. A car coming the opposite direction crossed the center line and hit the bike head on and threw them into a ditch. Thankfully, that is not where this story ends. That night, God physically saved their lives. My dad lost his left leg completely, and suffered a broken pelvis with internal bleeding, and two compound fractures on his left arm. Michelle lost her left leg from below the knee, suffered a broken knee, femur, and arm. On that night, our lives forever changed, and began a journey of great loss, heartache, anger, forgiveness, love, healing, and hope. The day after the accident, I began making facebook posts to keep all of our family and friends up to date on what was going on with my dad. It was so much easier to do this, rather than respond individually to the hundreds of calls and text messages. Before I knew it, I had people telling me they were anxious throughout the day to see when and what I would post. I had no clue that so many people would care about what I had to say.

So, long story short, I am hoping that through this blog you will walk away feeling inspired, hopeful, optimistic, and loved. If there is one thing that I have learned through all of this, it is that you are never alone in this life. In the coming days, I will post some things from the initial accident, and the events after to get everyone kind of on the same page. I'm sure this page will see a lot of good days, and a lot of bad ones. Please feel free to laugh with me, cry with me, pray with me, and hope with me as my family and I go through this journey together. Thank you for taking the time to read this post, and I hope you will come back and continue on with me.

Blessings ~



  1. I loved reading this!! <3 I already knew what had happened & some of what you had been through & I am so excited to know how things are going now!!! :)

  2. Thank you, Mallary!! I really hope you and everyone else enjoy this blog:)
